Archive for the ‘Dear God’ Category

*faceplant* Why don’t people mind their own business?

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

It’s been a long, long time. I guess I haven’t had much to say, or when I have I’ve been to damned lazy to actually, y’know, write up anything. But I have a rant, and I don’t think Kellie wants to hear it, so I’ll dump it here instead and she can read and comment as she chooses.

Was reading an article on Yahoo today about this town in Mississippi that canceled prom because a young woman wanted to come to prom dressed how she wanted to dress and with whom she wanted to come with.


LARRY! Get me OUT of here!: The Tiger Woods Story

Friday, December 11th, 2009

Exceedingly long time, no rant. It’s been a quite month, so forgive me, please. But I’m back and cranky as always. Today’s rant is courtesy of Michael. Not in a bad way, just he sort of started the whole ball rolling. I was sitting at my computer talking about Christmas (Bah hummybug) with Juleah when out of nowhere Michael yells:



I’m so SORRY, World!

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

Okay, break down time at Andavri Station. Have you ever done something that you can’t believe you actually like did?

…I bet it’s not like THIS
