*faceplant* Why don’t people mind their own business?

It’s been a long, long time. I guess I haven’t had much to say, or when I have I’ve been to damned lazy to actually, y’know, write up anything. But I have a rant, and I don’t think Kellie wants to hear it, so I’ll dump it here instead and she can read and comment as she chooses.

Was reading an article on Yahoo today about this town in Mississippi that canceled prom because a young woman wanted to come to prom dressed how she wanted to dress and with whom she wanted to come with.

That doesn’t sound so bad, does it? I imagine that most of you who went to prom wanted the same thing. The ability to go to prom with who you wanted and dressed how you wanted to dress.

Oh, ho! But there in lies the rub, this girl is an evil, gay agendaed lesbian! She wants to ruin the morals of everyone around her!

If you agree with the above statement I have one for you from me: Fuck you! Fuck you in the asshole with a big rubber dick then break it off and beat yourself with the rest of it. Of course if you’re so fucking anal as to agree with that… your asshole is probably clenched so tight it’d take the jaws of life to pry the damn thing open.

My god, when will these people learn. How does a girl going to a dance with another girl hurt you? How the fuck does it cause you harm? What is it the haunting fear that someone somewhere might be happy for two seconds because obviously your own life is so miserable you have to escape it by going and ruining everyone else’s!

If you don’t like the idea of girls sleeping with girls then don’t sleep with a girl who sleeps with girls! If you don’t like the idea of guys sleeping with guys, don’t sleep with one of those either! But to tell these people that they have no right to be themselves, that’s wrong!

If I remember my bible correctly it says judge not lest you be judged. By the measure to which you judge others, you too will be judged. And didn’t Jesus, big #1 in your books, say “He without sin shall cast the first stone.”?

Why is it that these people won’t live by the rules that they say are the most important? If the bible is really your go to place for how you should live your life. Why is it that treating others how you want to be treated, not judging people, and loving your neighbor like yourself fall by the wayside, so that people can chase after an agenda that doesn’t follow those things. And the worst part of all of that is: They use that good book, (which how I, personally feel about the Catholic church and a lot of Christian organizations, I feel that it is a good book. Be it the word of God or just the word of some really wise men.) they use that good book as “proof” to further their own agendas.

You wanna know something subversive? It says once: Man shall not lie with man as with woman. It has variations on: love thy neighbor as thyself permeated through the entire book. If the bible really is God’s word, which do you think is more important? Something he said once, or something he made sure to say over and over and over again?

And I went to a prom where homosexuals weren’t allowed to come together, the prom committee, many of whom went to my grandparents’ church, refused to sell tickets to the few people who were openly homosexual in our high school. One of those couples was a pair of dear friends of mine, Nate and Troy. So Sabrina and I bought tickets and Nate went with me and Troy went with Sabby.

And every dance they danced together (cause Nate danced all night and I don’t dance.) was like a finger in the eye of all of those self-righteous pricks.

I will leave you with a thought I read in a political cartoon:

Why are minorities singled out for “special rights”?

… Because they’re singled out for special wrongs…

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