Death and Politics

Well, it’s been a long long while, four months exactly since my last whine. But this has not been a good four months for me. It’s been so overwhelmingly bad for me that I don’t even want to talk about it.

But I do have a few things to talk about. Like for instance the fact that my mother keeps sending me political jokes. Unfortunately she gets her political jokes from her father and her friend Ryan who both have political views on the other side of mine. I mean I am not the biggest fan of Obama. (Sorry, but I’m not.) But I’m not a fan of those kinds of jokes no matter who they’re about. Mostly cause I don’t find them funny.

It doesn’t matter, Obama, Dubya, Clinton, Kennedy, Lincoln, Adams, that guy who died in the bath tub. It’s not that I think that presidents are sacred and should be above being made fun of. It’s just most of the jokes that I have heard about presidents are whiny. Especially those written by their detractors.

Take for instance this one I got from my mom the other day, someone actually bastardized Green Eggs and Ham to be anti-Obama. Sure, why don’t we just whine about the president and his liberal-socialist-commie agenda not to mention ruining Green Eggs and Ham for people, rather than, you know, working to change things. So you don’t like Obama’s politics, do something.

But the thing I think irritates me most is this: Obama probably wouldn’t have gotten elected if it hadn’t been for George W. Bush. And Bush probably wouldn’t have gotten elected if not for Bill Clinton, Clinton for Bush, Bush for Reagan, Reagan for Carter and so on and so on and so on. And even Washington wouldn’t have been elected if not for King George, so really, politics are very reactionary.

I’m not convinced that the country would be any better if John McCain had been elected and until you can prove to me with cold hard facts that it would, I would just as soon not hear about it… Bitch that may make me.

I think the last time the US had a good political climate we’d just descended into an ice age, everything with moderate intelligence had fucking died and everything else was just scrambling to keep their fuzzy asses alive. Deal with it!

Now, on the one hand this is me and my view on the world, which I am the first to admit is as small minded and bias as anyone else. But at least I admit it.

Maybe, though, I should cut my grandfather some slack after all the man has a terminal disease. He’s gonna die and if whining about Obama gets him through the day, then maybe he should whine, I’m sure that watching everything I had worked for and wanted for my country go down the drain because of what I view as bad policies by the current administration and I was unlikely to survive to see it get better, I’d be grumpy too.

You, however, will never convince me that there isn’t a better way. Really, lay off green eggs and ham…

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2 Responses to “Death and Politics”

  1. Morgaine2005 says:

    I try to ignore those e-mails. But that is because I do like Obama.

    You have a point, though, about doing something and not just sitting around whining about it.

    And maybe politics are a bit reactionary, but, um, how else are we to gauge future success if not by past performance? If we like what the people in office are doing, we allow them (or their party) to stay in office. If not, we vote the bastards out. Or we try to do both. Bush the Younger didn’t win the majority vote the first time around, remember. He got in on a technicality.

    I mean, we either look at what the politicians do (or what they allow to happen under their watch) or we take them at their word and believe their promises. I don’t know about you, but I trust what’s going on around me more than I trust anything that comes out of a politician’s mouth. Even Obama’s.

  2. Andavri says:

    I never know though until I get them open, that the e-mail my mom is sending me is political. She sends me other assorted bad jokes too.

    And I don’t really have a problem with the fact that politics are reactionary, as you pointed out there aren’t too many better ways to figure out where we’re going than by where we’ve been.

    Just that a lot of the people who’re whining don’t seem to see that the current state of affairs is simply the pendulum swinging the other way from where it’s been.

    Also, very true on the what’s going on around us vs. the promises we’re made. I trust politicians promises almost as much as I trust any of my male relatives’…

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