Really I don’t think about it ALL the time!

The other day Michael shared a comic with me. A webcomic he reads and thinks I would find funny. Without going into a lot of back story, which I don’t understand because I haven’t actually read more than a few of the comics, there’s this guy (hence forward known as guy 1) and he doesn’t like this other guy (hence forward known as guy 2) Also important in this summary is the girl. The girl is friends with guy 1 and has been secretly dating guy 2. Guy 1 finds out that the girl and guy 2 have been dating.

The production of bovines thus ensues.

So guy 1 pulls out a sword and sets about to maim guy 2.

Guy 1: I’m not exactly sure where your spleen is, so do me a favor and cry out when I stab it
Girl: Stop it. We’re dating. What’s the big deal?
Guy 1:You’re the one who felt there was a need to hide it from me.
Girl: Why can’t you be happy for me?
Guy 1: He’s my nemesis! It’s like Yoda banging the Emperor
Luke Skywalker: This is some sick shit
Yoda: Just happened, it did
Emperor Palpatine: And now, young Skywalker, you will take off your pants.

This comes complete with Yoda in bondage gear.

As Michael says the consensus of his IRC was: It’s something you can’t unsee. You’ll really really want to unsee it, but you can’t unsee it.

This got me thinking, and like for Gaston in Beauty and the Beast, thinking is a dangerous pastime. But it got me thinking about this story I read, I don’t really know how it got me thinking about it, but it did. Anyway, it was a ficlet about a guy and his dad. Sort of a pre-slash.* **

*Slash being homosexual fanfiction. It comes from the way a romantic relationship is denoted in fanfiction Draco/Harry. Pre-slash being something that leads up to the romantic/porn part depending on what you’re reading.

**Slash = BEST THING EVER! I am addicted to it like it’s crack.

This particular piece was only about 400 words, and nothing actually happens in it, but it definitely gives you the feel that something would have happened and/or will happen later. And it got me curious as to what actually would have happened.

Now I know, BELIEVE ME! I KNOW! You’re sitting there going “How in the name of all that’s holy did you a) get from the comic to this and b) get frickin’ disturbed enough to want to know what happens in a story between a guy and his DAD!”

To both parts of this I have only one answer: I do not know.

I mean it’s like you know how if you think about your dad and mom having sex, unless you’re rather warped, your brain sorta fizzles out? You can objectively know that your ‘rents did it. But I know I can’t picture it in any more depth than that. I don’t really want to think about anyone else I know’s parents having sex either. But for some reason, it doesn’t bother me so much as long as it’s fiction.

The same sort of thing with incest. In real life, it’s disgusting and nothing I want to think about, but in a well-written story, it can be… interesting? Or at least in a well-written story, it’s not an immediate deal breaker. (Also not a deal breaker in VC Andrews–which are NOT well-written stories but addictive in the way soap operas are for people who watch TV.)

… It sort of makes me want to use the concept as a… meme. Not that I want to write a continuation of Blue’s story, but sort of use her story as a leaping off point for something of my own. It’s a good thing Kellie’s not around as I’m thinking of this. When she finds out I’m likely to die. Even after six and a half years of friendship, she still has some hang-ups. Qualms. Morals? There are definitely places she won’t go, even for a good story.

Oh well, if she kills me, I charge you with the task of putting this on my tombstone: I blame Luke!

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One Response to “Really I don’t think about it ALL the time!”

  1. morgaine2005 says:

    I won’t kill you. (I will, however, think twice about getting a migraine in the near future. ;) )

    But don’t expect me to read any stories that include father/son or in fact ANY incest. You got me to read BOS, and most of Sunspots, but I still have MORALS!

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